UBC Dance Club – A Piece of History
Last weekend was the 48th Annual UBC Gala Ball. Being organized entirely by student volunteers of the UBC Dance Club, the Gala Ball always has a very fun, exciting and youthful atmosphere about it… and this year was definitely no exception! Congratulations to all the executives of the Club and the volunteers of the Gala committee for putting on such a great event.
This year, as you can see from the photo to the left, the executives brought back the purple UBC Dance Club jackets! Yay! Although slightly different in style, they definitely brought back memories for me, being on the executive board that introduced the original purple jackets, back in 1996. [Yes, I know that I am dating myself. Ugh!] Joel and I still have our old jackets, tucked away in the back of our closets. They are heavily worn, as we sported them at each of the local competitions we went to in the early days, as well as at the Intercollegiate Festival in Florida when we used to be on the Formation Team.
There is so much history surrounding the UBC Dance Club. Many of our local teachers, judges, competitors and dancers started out at the Club. For Joel and me, the Club will always hold a special place in our hearts, as it is where we met, started dating, fell in love with dance and with each other. It’s wonderful to have come full circle, after travelling and competing all over the world, back to teaching and inspiring young, new dancers at the Club where it all began.

JC Dance Co. Newcomers, Stephen & Jaclyn, competing at their first ever competition together, having started ballroom lessons in November.
One of the most exciting parts of the evening for me is watching the syllabus level dancers receive their awards. After being a veteran competitor for so long, the medals and trophies don’t mean very much anymore. But for the Newbies competing for the first time, there is nothing more exhilarating than receiving your first trophy ever! I love to watch the dancers’ reactions when they hear their numbers being called. Congratulations to those of you who made it through all the many rounds and received your first medal ever!

Newcomer Standard medalists
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